
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Podcast Inception: DJ CUTMAN

I figured choosing a choice cut from an epic DJ/Producer would be a good way to kick off this video game music based mini series.

Well.... we all knew it wouldn't take long before I started putting video game music up here. And since you knew that was going to happen, you probably wont mind if I go whole hog on the first venture. This one goes out to DJCutman.  All of his stuff is awesome, he's got his hands in a little bit of everything too- tumblr, twitter, soundcloud, mixify, etc... -and you wont be disappointed.

And speaking of awesome... did I mention he started his own netlabel for video game artists? Check out GameChops, its basically a haven for some of the newest vg artists, handpicked by Cutman himself.

The EnthusCrew saw him and a few other artists live at this past MAGFest XI (as well as at MagfestX), and they all put on quite the live show.

I pulled this track, Powerglove (Superspink remix), from the GameChops Album; the bgm is from one of the huge BitGen mixes, Mario 3 of course. Enjoy!